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Home » Posts tagged "Side Dish"

Mallow Cooked With Olive Oil (Khobeizeh)

In Appetizers, Mains, Recipes On May 28, 2016 6,269 Comments

With the beginning of spring, roadsides across Palestine are filled with khobeizeh; and it’s very common to see people stopping their cars by the side of the road,… Read More »


Pickled Stuffed Eggplants (Makdous)

In Breakfast, Recipes On November 19, 2015 2,145 Comments

For many Palestinian families, the most important part of their kitchen is what is called the supply cabinet or supply pantry, which contains different foods preserved naturally to be used… Read More »

red bulgur

Red Bulgur with Eggplant (Shulbato)

In Mains, Recipes On July 12, 2015 904 Comments

I cannot think of an easier dish to make than Shulbato. It’s dead-simple, tasty, and nutritious. You try it once and then you will be making it every… Read More »