Tagged:  Yogurt

Home » Posts tagged "Yogurt"

Meat Dumplings in Yogurt Sauce (Shishbarak)

In Baking, Mains, Recipes On March 8, 2013 85 Comments

In some areas of Palestine it is called (taqiyet elyahoodi) which means Jew’s hat, in some other areas it’s called (dinen) which means ears. However, the mainly and… Read More »

Labaneh Balls

Strained Yogurt Balls (Kurat Labaneh)

In Appetizers, Breakfast, Recipes On December 27, 2012 153 Comments

(Jump to Directions) Labaneh (or Labneh) is a thick and creamy spread made from fresh yogurt milk which has been strained in order to remove the whey using… Read More »